Hare Krishna???
Have a blessed Thursday??? May you are divinely guided n protected???✨
Krishna Consciousness means to come to the pure understanding that one is eternal servant of Krishna, and thus engages himself in rendering loving service to the Lord. This is his pure spiritual life.
As long as he does not come to that standard, he is supposed to be materially contaminated. Krishna Consciousness Movement means to engage our sense in the service of the Lord, just opposed to the materialistic way of life wherein the senses are engaged for sense gratification.
You are Krishna’s part and parcel. As you love your hands and legs, as you feel when your hand is in trouble, similarly Krishna feels for you when you are in trouble. The hand has value when it is attached to the body. Similarly, we have values when we are Krishna Conscious. The hand has no value detached from the whole body. Krishna is the Whole and we are His parts and parcel.
Hari Bol???? Thank you lord for everything??? Deen Bandhu deenanath meri dori tere haath???