Hare Krishna????
Hari Sharanam????

Have a divinely protected day. Stay beautifully blessed???

Krsna : A Seeming Paradox

The Isopanisad states, “The Supreme Lord walks & does not walk. He’s far away, but He is very near as well. He’s within everything & yet He’s outside of everything.” How can Krsna walk & also not walk? As a crude example, consider how the sun at noontime shines on your head. Now, if you begin walking, you will see that the sun is accompanying you. The moon & the sun are fixed in the sky, yet they seem to be moving with us. Similarly, if you are going on airplane or a train, you will see that the moon or the sun is going with you. So if this is possible for the sun & the moon, why can’t Krsna also walk with you? “Although He is situated far away, He’s very near as well.” In other words, although Krsna is in Golaka Vrindavana enjoying pastimes with His associates, He is simultaneously everywhere in this material world. In this way the Supreme Lord “walks & does not walk.”
If Krsna were not present here was well as in Golaka, how could He accept the food the devotees offer Him? Don’t think that Krsna does not accept the devotees’ offerings. He can stretch His hands immediately if one offers Him something with devotion. In the Bhagavat Gita (9.26) Krsna says, “Wherever someone offers Me something with faith & love, I will accept it.” People may ask, “Oh, Krsna is far away in Golaka Vrindavana. How can He eat your offering?” Yes, He accepts it, yes, He eats it – provided it is offered with love.
So Krsna is present everywhere & He can manifest Himself anywhere immediately, but you must have the qualification to call Him. If you are actually a devotee, Krsna will immediately come to protect you. The demon Hiranyakasipu challenged his son, the devotee Prahlad : “Where is your God? You say He’s everywhere. Then is He in this column of my palace? You think God is there? All right, then I will kill Him. Hiranyakasipu immediately broke the column. Then Krsna came out of the column in His form as Nrisimhadeva- half man & half lion – & killed the demon. That is Krsna.
So Krsna can manifest Himself anywhere because He’s present everywhere. That is explained in the Isopanisad : “The Supreme Lord is within everything & yet He is outside of everything as well.” This Vedic mantra is proof that the Lord is everywhere. Whatever is said in the Vedas is a fact. Unless you accept the Vedas as axiomatic truth, you cannot make progress in Krsna consciousness. The Vedas contain axiomatic truths, & we have to accept the Vedas as axiomatic if we want to make spiritual progress.

~ His Divine Grace,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Hari Hari Hari Bol??? Hey naath mai aapko kabhi bhulun nahi??? Thank you Krishna for everything????Deen Bandhu Deenanath meri dori tere haath???

Jai Govinda?? Jai Gopala?? Jai Gaumata??