Hare Krishna???
Hari Sharanam???

Have a beautifully blessed n divine dag ahead???

Sant Kabir says ~

जब मैं था तब हरि नहीं
अब हरि है मैं नाहीं ।
प्रेम गली अति सांकरी
जामें दो न समाहीं ॥

अर्थ: कबीर दास जी कहते हैं कि, जब तक मन अहंकार में डूबा था तब तक स्वयं का साक्षात्कार न हुआ, जब अहम् समाप्त हुआ तभी स्वयं को पाया l प्रेम में द्वैत भाव नहीं हो सकता, प्रेम की संकरी (पतली) गली में केवल एक ही समा सकता है – अहम् या परम !

? When a human being takes birth, it forgets its innate nature of PURE LOVE. As he ages, he gets entangled in the complexities of the world and starts identifying with his personality (mind body & intellect) – His individualised ego. In such a state he keeps wandering through lifetimes of ignorance that “i am so & so, n so forth”.

? When he realises his true nature and understands that ‘He, the Soul’ and the Supreme Being are one and the same, there is complete annihilation of the ego self ( the मैं, मैं , मैं , मैं ). That is the beginning of his transformation….moving towards Oneness.

? Here all duality ceases,
SELF & EGO cannot coexist. When Ego dies , all that remains is LOVE in its purest form .

Hari Hari Bol??? Thank you God for everything???Hey nath mai aapko bhulun nahi???Deen Bandhu Deenanath meri dori tere haath???

Jai Govind??Jai Gopal??Jai Gaumata???

(Govind devji photo courtesy – Dhananjai Singh)