Krishnamey Blogs

Our Relationship with Krishna

Our Relationship with Krishna

Hare Krishna???Hari Sharanam??? Blessed Beautiful Krishnamey day ahead for you??? Repentance attracts Krishna. It is our Maya sambandha that prevents us from surrendering. Surrender can only be done by Krishna sambandha. I have 2 identities: one in Maya and the other...

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मन ही मन भगवान से क्या बातें करें…क्या मांगे

मन ही मन भगवान से क्या बातें करें…क्या मांगे

हरे कृष्णा??? हरि शरणं??? कृष्णामये सुप्रभात??? ? मन ही मन भगवान से क्या बातें करें…क्या मांगे.? ?हे मेरे स्वामी.मेरी इच्छा कभी पूर्ण न हो सदैव आपकी ही इच्छा पूर्ण हो.क्योंकि मेरे लिए क्या सही है ये मुझसे बेहतर आप जानते हैं. ?हे नाथ!मेरे मन,कर्म और वचन से कभी किसी को...

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Krsna’s Inconceivable Potencies

Krsna’s Inconceivable Potencies

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Have a divinely blessed day ahead??? Krsna's Inconceivable Potencies Krsna is present everywhere, not only within the universe, not only within the hearts of all living entities, but also within every atom. In the prayers of Queen...

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Kartik ~ Month Of Special Vow

Kartik ~ Month Of Special Vow

Hare Krishna???Hari Sharanam??? Stay Beautiful?? Stay Blessed??? Rise n Shine??? Kartik is the best and most glorious month, purest of pure. It is particularly dear to Lord Krishna, because it is the month of Srimati Radharani. This month is full of love of the Lord...

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Krishna’s Tears

Krishna’s Tears

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Divinely blessed Sharad Purnima to all the beautiful souls??? Have a fabulous day…..Stay Krishnamey??? Krishna's tears ??‍♀??‍♀ One day a Gopi saw Krishna crying and tears flowing from His eyes. She asked Him the reason for His crying....

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Lord KRSNA Well Wisher Of His Devotees

Lord KRSNA Well Wisher Of His Devotees

Hare Krishna???Hari Sharanam??? Beautifully blessed Kamika Ekadashi??? Have a divinely Magical day full of Lords Magical Love??? LORD KRSNA-WELL-WISHER OF HIS DEVOTEES It is said of Krsna's devotees that if they offer even a little water or a tulasi leaf in devotion...

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True nature of a devotee

True nature of a devotee

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Divine Darshans of their lordship Shri Shri RadhaGovind devji???? Stay blessed beautiful souls??? अर्जुन ने कृष्ण कि मित्रता के कारण नींद तथा अज्ञान दोनों पर विजय प्राप्त की थी | कृष्ण के भक्त के रूप में वह कृष्ण को क्षण भर भी नहीं...

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Love for Krishna is the supermost platform of love

Love for Krishna is the supermost platform of love

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Have a Krishnamey day ahead☀? "Kṛṣṇa personally says that it is very difficult to understand Him. Actually it is so. But Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu's mercy is so unlimited that He is helping not only to understand Kṛṣṇa, but also He is...

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my dear lord

Your lotus feet are the reservoir that always deserves to receive worshipful homage from all great sages eager to understand the Absolute Truth. You are full in opulence, renunciation, transcendental fame, knowledge, strength therefore I surrender myself unto Your lotus feet.

Jaya Radha

Govind adi Pursham

Inspirational Messages

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