Hare Krishna???
Hari Sharanam???

Have a superb splended spectacular Saturday morning???Rise n Shine???

A beautiful msg?
On a sunny summer morning a potter began his day at work & soaked his hands with wet clay. His wife casually asked him “What you thought to make today ? He said I am thinking to make Hooka Chilam as it’s quite in fashion now a days, it will sell quick & fetch good money , replied the potter. “Hmm but why don’t you make Suraahi instead? the summer is at its peak & it will too sell equally fast. Potter nodded to his wife’s thought and started making Surrahi, suddenly he heard voice of Clay thanking him. Potter was amazed to hear it and asked reason for this thanks ? Clay replied “Dear your & your wife’s just one thought changed my whole destiny, If you would have chosen to make me a chilam, I would have not only burnt myself whole life but & the lungs of many people in turn…I am so glad that Now I shall be a Suraahi, storing precious water & quenching thirst of many many people whole life !

Many of our life processes starts with just one thought. Every thought has got potential energy waiting to be a reality. So think positively towards yourself & about others. You never know when your positive thinking will shape the destiny of yours & others !
Hari Hari Hari Bol???? Jai Jai Mukund Madhav Govind Bol???

Thank you God for everything???Hey mere nath mai aapko bhulun nahi???Deen Bandhu Deenanath meri dori tere haath???

Jai Govind??Jai Gopal??Jai Gaumata??