The Lord is setting an example of Gauseva to us.

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Have a divine day???Super blissful Saturday??? The importance of gauseva can be understood if we look into our scriptures where Lord Krishna as a young child tells his mother Yashoda that he could not do Gau Seva in his previous...

Blessed Devshayani Ekadashi

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Blessed Beautiful Blissful Devshayani Ekadashi??? ?PURE CHANTING We will not be able to chant purely as long as we are absorbed in material thoughts. How can we chant Krsna’s name if we are not inclined to serve Him?. A person...

Sravanam Kirtanam

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Have a divinely blissful day???Be blessed n beautiful??? Pure love for Kṛṣṇa is eternally established in the hearts of living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and...

Performing kirtana’s n hearing the sound vibrations

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Tremendously Blessed n protected Tuesday???Stay beautifully blessed??? O Supreme Personality of Godhead, all glories unto You. You are the most exalted of all self-realized souls. Since You are always auspicious for the self-realized,...

Being Purest with devotional chanting

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Have a great beautiful divine super splendid start of the week. God Bless you?? Rise n Shine??? By chanting this Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare / Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare. Because the sound, this...

Resuming our identities n going back to Godhead.

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Have a super blessed day???Live each n every moment in Krishna prema??? The complete purpose of this material world will be fulfilled when we resume our spiritual identities and go back home, back to Godhead. The very simple method for...

The Lord of the Universe is coming

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Have a divinely blessed Thursday Morning???Enjoy the most auspicious most awaited Ratha Yatra today???The Lord of the Universe is coming??? Sharing a beautiful song sung in the glory of Lord sri Krishna by Narottam dasa??...

Trust Krsna, Hold On To Chanting

Hare Krishna???Hari Sharanam???? Have a wonderful Wednesday Morning????Rise n Shine in Krishna Prema??? “Trust Krsna, Hold On To Chanting.” How long would Krsna have to hug you until you felt completely loved? A hug is a two part exchange, we have to...

Five ways to practice happiness

Hare Krishna Divine Souls??? Have a Blessed n Protected Tuesday??? Five Ways to Practice Happiness We are individuals, each living life our own individual way. Every single day, we make choices–some conscious and some unconscious–that affect us. Day-in and day-out, we...

Perfection of Life is Krsna

Hare Krishna???Hari Sharanam??? Have a blessed start of the week???? Beautiful Monday Morning ???? ?I can see you, you can see me, similarly, you can go directly, see God and live with Him, dance with Him, play with Him, eat with Him. That is the perfection of life....

Resuming our spiritual identity, going back to Godhead.

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Beautifully blessed n well relaxed Sunday???? The complete purpose of this material world will be fulfilled when we resume our spiritual identities and go back home, back to Godhead. The very simple method for doing this is prescribed...

Yogini ekadashi vrat katha

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Yogini Ekadashi Vrat Katha??? Yudhishthira Maharaj said, “Oh Supreme Lord, I have heard the glories of the Nirjala Ekadashi, which occurs during the light fortnight of the month of Jyeshtha (May – June). Now I wish to hear...

The preacher’s prayer

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Divinely blessed Yogini ekadashi to all the beautiful souls…. chant Hari naam n be happy ???? Preacher’s Prayer The preacher of Krishna consciousness prayers for his own spiritual perfection so that with his every thought, word,...

Beauty of Krishna

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Lets start the Beautiful new day with beautiful thoughts about Krishna??? Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Chapter 10: The Beauty of Kṛṣṇa.?? Lord Caitanya, greatly relishing all the verses of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam which He was explaining to...

Chant the Holy name of the Lord

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Blissful beautiful divinely graceful day ahead??? Once, a very learned Buddhist scholar came before the Lord with his disciplesophical conclusions of Buddhism. With great pride, he set forth the nine Buddhist principles, but Sri...

Reading of Bhagwat Geeta -The illiterate bhraman

Hare Krishna??? Hari Sharanam??? Rise n Shine in Krishna Prema??? Stay blessed??? ”Lord Caitanya meets the illiterate brahmana in the Temple of Ranganatha.” While Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu was touring in the southern India, in the Ranganātha temple He saw...